Friday, January 26, 2007

Is America in a moral decline?

Is America in a Moral decline? Statistically speaking, according to the text book, no we are at a rise. Have we actually looked around lately? More children are in the juvenile justice system than ever before. Why? Because mom and dad are working more than ever to make ends meet and not enough attention is put on our future. The children! Abortion is just about America’s number one form of birth control. Smacking your partner is ok if they had it coming. Children are allowed to watch whatever they want, whenever they want regardless of the violent or sexist prevalence. Computer time isn’t monitored but allowed til all hours of the night. What exactly do you think they’re doing on that thing that late? Homework? Now, more than ever, we find literally thousands of pornography sites on the web. And we wonder what they do all night long online? Nuked foods are the wave of the teenage world. After all, they have to eat too. Mom and/or dad are out, working or non existent. Family dinner at the table is a thing of the past. As for family night? What exactly is that? Between school sports, hanging out with friends, running the streets, today’s youngsters are losing out on the very family network they require for proper growth. Is this societies fault or is it personal? We are all to blame. At sometime, somewhere we are all guilty of wanting a little quiet time from the kidlets. The 5 minute shower is a luxury. Unfortunately, we cut corners where it is needed most. We as a society fail to see the very importance of the family time. Do you realize what 30 minutes playing outside with your children would mean to them and this world as a whole? It screams I love you from the top of its lungs. I see it like this. I have 7 children. My oldest and only girl is 18 years old and just started college. My boys are 16, 14, 10, 5 year old twins and 4. The 14, one of the twins and 4 year old all have identical Congenital Heart Disease. The worst being the 14 year old who had a transplant 4 years ago. My 16 year old has more mental health disorders than we can account for. I can’t spread my time evenly but I can spread it out according to which child needs what. I can’t play football with all of them, a few can’t even play. But I can push a mean swing, and pick a wild flower even if I am allergic. I can hold the one who had a bad dream, take them in the back yard, sing a song and show them the stars. I do a lot of Cardiology appointments for the three boys but that gives us some quality alone time too. It’s a matter of perspective. Everywhere you look, you can find small tidbits of time to share. On the way to school, turn that radio off and sing abc’s for all I care. Share something. Learn something. Yes learn something from your child. They are our future. If they don’t realize that they have the world to offer us, they will hide behind their own minds. Then where will we be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.