Friday, January 26, 2007

Homosexuality; Out of the closet and into the mainstream

Homosexuality Out of the Closet, Into the Mainstream July 2, 2006 I had the privilege of tagging along with my brother to Gay Pride Fest 06. He works for Bank of America and they were a part of the march. I had to go! I have always fit in with gay friends and family. Probably since I understand the feeling of being left out of something as important as “LIFE”. From the day I first met my step-cousin Brian, I knew he was gay. But it wasn’t something the family acknowledged. I knew, asked my mother and was told Brian was just different. To me he was cousin Brian who played his guitar so I could sing at family get togethers. I loved him very much and the only one he allowed to be close enough. I was 15 when Brian came out to me. He was 25 and I remember thinking how sad that he felt he had to keep that from his own family. According the site Homosexuality: out of the closet, into the mainstream, the highest court of Massachusetts ruled that it was unconstitutional for the state to bar same-sex couples from marrying. Massachusetts lawmakers were given 180 days to amend state laws to permit homosexuals to wed. Maybe we are moving towards some reform. To this day I still get an uneasy feeling any time I am at church with my mother. The pastor has this way of making everything into a homosexual revolt. He has this saying “ Eden started with Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. This is when I get up, make a huff and walk out making a point that Adam and Steve have just as much right as Adam and Eve. How shallow can you get? I have spoken out on this very topic many times and will always do so. Is it for my cousin? No, it’s for society to become more aware of their bias towards our fellow man and women. Yet, it still seems to me that we are living in the dark ages. Again, the government has taken the liberty to say who can and can’t be married as a part of a living society. That galls me to no end. It’s like telling a woman she can’t have an abortion. Same situation as far as I am concerned. We as a society, have taken the governments ways and allowed them for far too long. They claimed slavery was ok, society accepted. They attempt to take away a women’s right to her own body by saying she can or can’t have an abortion. They take away a gay couples right to be married and have the same benefits as a traditional married couple. And then turn around and tell the same gay couple they can’t adopt children to have a family of their own. Why? With all the children in this world who need homes with loving parents. I’d like to know where it says the child who needs a family says “ I don’t want a gay, loving, caring, supportive, financially set couple to take me into their home. Please leave me here in my own hell. I should think NOT! As I stated on one of the discussion questions, the heart doesn’t care about race, religion, sexuality or preferences. The heart wants unconditional love, period. Nothing else should matter. It especially shouldn’t be a matter at the hands of our government. After all, it doesn’t concern them in any way except for election time for the Christian hypocrites who claim to be of a loving god. Then turn around and judge the world based on words in a book. We as a society need to walk in another’s shoes and see, feel the shallowness of the ones who judge according to what a country as a whole calls normal. Define normal if you please.

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