Friday, January 26, 2007

Talking back; A child's view

Reaction 1 Chapter 1 1. Talking back As I read this section of chapter 1, I realized this was speaking of me. Not as a metaphor but literally. I vividly remember feeling so small and voiceless that I thought I would die inside. At times I honestly wish I had. You asked for comments, thoughts, concerns etc… So I wrote something that I feel will describe every opinion you were looking for, as well as personal input on this unfortunate situation. From within the walls of silence, a voice can not be heard. But the mind shall never be quieted. The sassy, sharp-toothed, spoke her mind, and dared to ever speak her piece to an adult, was at one time considered a young girls complete and utter defiance. She was the “quieted one”. She was not herself, she was obedient. She didn’t live, she just was. She didn’t voice an opinion, she was trained to be silent. Yet, when we are silent in the face of adversity or injustice (abuse, racism, crime, etc…), we lose apart of ourselves. Our souls and very reason for being. For these reasons, I will not be silenced again. I heard my whole life, “A woman should act like a lady“. But to what extent? Some of the issues women face in today’s society scream for an opposing force to take charge and regain control. Harm my children, and you’ll hear me roar. If you put your hands on me, you’d better brace yourself. If you make a racist remark that I have to explain to my children later on as to it’s negative effects, plan on a lecture, a loud one! Never tell me I can’t do something just because I’m a woman or mother. Better yet, I dare you to! I will not only do it, but will continue to do it until total perfection is achieved. I am not insolent, uncaring, abrasive, or abusive. I am just me. The child who existed but never lived. The one who watched her mother cower in fear instead of taking a stand. I’ve seen racism and abuse run rampant in my own home growing up. I as an adult, refuse to be silenced by this wretched society any longer than I was already forced to! I am not a loud, boisterous, or obnoxious woman. No thanks to the men who were in my life, I do know right from wrong, good from bad. I won’t be silenced by anyone on these matters. It isn’t worth losing my “self” to appeal to a closed-minded society. It isn’t worth the risk of losing my soul. I hope this fit’s the parameters you asked for. Thank you for this opportunity. It’s high time we stand as a unit of women instead of a single, silenced, little girl!

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